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Celebrating Character Counts Week 2020!

Writer's picture: Alicia GastonAlicia Gaston

This week we celebrated CHARACTER COUNTS! Week (October 18-24, 2020! This is Maximizing Character's 6th year celebrating the "biggest celebration of character in the world" according to, the official website. During Character Counts! Week we highlighted character education and the importance of modeling good character. Specifically we feature Character Counts' Six Pillars of Character - Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship and their corresponding colors. As we have done in the past, Maximizing Character hosted a social media campaign and celebrated by wearing our colors in support of this fantastic event!

On Monday, we celebrated Trustworthiness. It is a mark of a success-minded person. I was reminded by Rhonika Thomas aka Dr. Rho, Founder of Blacks In Nonprofits and the National Nonprofit Minority Association, that success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally. It comes from what you do consistently. So be honest and reliable, build a good reputation, be loyal and always do the right thing!

Tuesday's Pillar of Character was Respect, signified by the color Yellow/Gold. Think...the Golden Rule...Treat Others the Way YOU want to be Treated — with R-E-S-P-E-C-T! We were reminded that Respect is like needs to be earned.

Responsibility was in the spotlight on Wednesday. Our Board Member Carol Ellison, donned in her green, shared a wonderful post on our social media pages. Mrs. Ellison taught us, "One way of taking responsibility is being in control of your own behavior and actions. Being responsible determines if you are dependable, it’s a quality trait in becoming a team player."

On Thursday, and day 5 of Character Counts! Week, Maximizing Character celebrated Fairness, signified by the color orange. describes fairness like this: Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly • Treat all people fairly.

Day 6 was all about Caring, shown by the color red. We demonstrate the Pillar of Caring by Being kind • Being compassionate and show you care • Showing Empathy • Expressing gratitude • Forgiving others and show mercy • Helping people in need • Being charitable and altruistic.

Maximizing Character wrapped up #charactercountsweek on a high note on Saturday! Our final Pillar of Character was CITIZENSHIP, represented by the color. CITIZENSHIP means to:

Do your share to make your home, school, community and greater world better • VOTE • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; VOTE • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment • Volunteer • Did we say VOTE? Oh, yeah, VOTE!

Character Counts! Week is one of our favorite celebrations because it represents what we do everyday...Maximize Character! We look forward to celebrating CC Week again in 2021, engaging more youth, families and community partners and hosting something BIG! Until then, we invite you to join us as we are Maximizing Character Every, Single, Day!

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